#3: Few words about story and endings

Yes, there will be story, lore and other shit. But it will work a little diferently from other games.

As you know, raising your stats will basicaly change the way you will play the game. Not much, since the overal goals of the game will be the same. Raise stats, so you can make money, raise them more so you can make more money, befriend people so they can raise your stats more so you can make better thigs to make more money.  Does that mean that it doesnt matter what job you choose? Will the game be the same no matter what you do?


That is where the story comes in. Your stats, time and other things you did will also work as triggers. Lets say. You spent three weeks in the game. You raised your cooking and farming to level 30. This will trigger an event. Old hungry man apears at your door and begs for some food. You can give him some food or not. The game will remember your choice and after some time, you will se the results of your decision. Decline giving the man some food and you will find him dead in the forrest. Give him some food and will come back next month and try to rob you. This is not actual thing that will happen, just an example.

To make things easier for me, there wont be whole bunch of “branching”. So if you save someone, he will apear after some time to thank you and that will be it for that character. But dont worry. There will be plenty of events that will have more of an impact on other events. And after eight years, the game will show you the outcomes of the more important decisions, fallout style. Then it will take in consideretion your stats and show you how you ended up.

So as you can see, it combines some elements from fallout and princess maker. This will be easy to do, but will take considerable amount of time.

So, the ending will have three parts. Results of your important decisions, How you ended up after spending eight years on the island, and the last thing, what you learned about the island itself.  But I will talk about that next week.

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