#10: Few words about combat

Another slow week. Some prety bad stuff happened so I spent most of the time running around and fixing shit irl. Everything should be fine now though.

Spent some more time writing the dialogue. Fist NPC is about 25% complete. There is still shitload of things to do though. I also started working on that prerendered scene.

Now, lets talk about combat. Combat will be turn based, like in every rpg maker game. I want the combat to be strategic and dangerous. Getting hit will really hurt and will most likely leave you with some kind of permanent damage, like scars, missing eyes and so on. Most enemies will be stronger than you, so you will have to do some preparations before fighting them. Ability enhancing drugs, finding out weakness of your enemies by talking to other people,  using the right weapon and armor, learning the right attacks and so on. You will be able to evade most enemies above ground. There will be no random encounters where you just walk around and sudenly your screen shifts and you start fighting. All enemies will be visible and you will be able to outrun most of them, or sacrifice some money of food if they manage to catch you so you dont have to fight. Dungeons are exceptions though. There is no running away from things that live in the caves below.

You will spend most of the time alone, but getting more people to fight with you will be possible.

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