#35: Weapon stats

I had very little free time this week, so I worked on my game for only like two hours.

This week I added the weapon skill stats. Well, they were there before but not working. Now they actualy work. There are two kinds of weapons. Ranged and melee. I might rebalance them in the future and add more of them, but for now, this seems good enough.

This stat directly affects the damage you cause in combat. Right now, the number of your weapon skill is added after all the damage calculations are done. This means that even if you fight enemy with very high armor value, you are still going to do some minor damage depending on your skill. This will need some more balancing in the future, but I want it to work like this.

You can raise your weapon skill in two ways. Train at certain NPC or end a fight with the weapon kind you want to get better with. Again, this will probably get rebalancend in the future, but so far I like this slightly more than other options like raising only skill with weapon you did most damage that fight and so on.

That is all for this week .


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