#60: More alive

This week I spent most of my timerevorking the way NPCs work. For people who worked with rpg maker, I put everything NPC related into common events. This means that I can put one NPC on multiple maps and it will be using one event. This makes it easier for me to change NPCs since now I have to edit them only once.

This also means that I can now make NPCs appear at multiple locations without doing much work.

Up until now, all NPCs were static. They just stood in one place from day one until the last day of the game. Ofcourse, this was unacceptable so I decided to change it.

If you played harvest moon or stardew valley, you know that all NPCs in those games have some kind of schedule. The problem is, the time in this game is handled differently so even the NPC movement has to be handled differently.

After some thinking, I came up with two options. First, the NPCs will have static schedule depending on the week of the month (later this schedule will change depending on season). Lets say NPC n.1 will spent 1-7 day siting at home, 8-14 day walking around the forest, 15-21 day drinking at a inn and 22-31 day visiting some friend. Now. This sounds strange at first but because the player will only walk around the place for like four days a month, this will be a non issue.

The second option is the random schedule. Every NPC will have like 10 different places to be in. Each week the game will chose one at random. To make things easier, NPCs will leave a note at their home saying where they are.

I might even do combination of both of these options. The framework for NPC placement is basicaly done. Now I just have to actualy think about the locations.

And thats it for this week. Next week I will try and finish atleast one NPC and see how it works. No screenshot this week though. Sorry. Instead, here is one picture of a thing I want to implement. And yes, I will try and implement all skills into the demo. (This will take me like one day. It is not that hard or time consuming.)Lathe

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