#63 Less clothes, more talking

This week I spent most of my time reworking the clothing system to make it easier to work with. It is basicaly 90% complete. All I need to do is to add more clothing and render new weapon sprites.

Weapons became a really big problem actualy. Weapons will now show holstered on your character. Big weapons can just “float” behind your charater and nobody will actualy care. (Hell. Many AAA games do it to this day) The problem are the small weapons. They can’t just float next to your character and they can’t float infront. This would require me to create belt and sheath sprite and then I would have to alter it for every single outfit, weapon, pose and so on. The reason I simplified the system was to prevent this.

So I decided like this. Small weapons like knives and pistols will be invisible, big weapons like swords and rifles will appear behind your character.

Here are some pictures of “new” outfits. I just took some old pictures, put them together and edited them slightly to make them look passable.


I also added another feature. If your character wears some kind of face obsuring helmet, then its graphics will change while you talk to someone.


As I said before. This change will result in less clothing options, but each piece will look much better than before. Plus I will try and do atleast three different poses for each one of them.

And the last thing I worked on is the NPC chatter system. It is very simple and I will most likely be redoing it from scratch, but for now it works just fine. It basicaly shows dialogue boxes while you can walk around and do stuff. Simple, but it will make the world feel much more alive. You will see NPCs talking to each other or they will just greet you when you enter their house.

And thats it for this week. Next week I will try and polish everything as much as posible.


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