#88 Report n.11

This week I spent most of my time improving the crafting system. I also did some general improvements to the game, but none of them are really interesting.

The main thing I did was a really important improvement to the crafting system. It suported only one “result” So if you decided to cook some food that required bottles of water, then you will loose those botles. Even though you should be able to get them back. So I improved the script and it now supports multiple crafting “results”. So now if you cook something using liquids in bottles, then you will get those bottles back. This addition can be used for many other things too. If you use lathe then you will receive the product and some metal scrap and so on.



#87 Report n.10

This week was pretty uneventful. I spent most of my time fixing some minor problems and generaly finishing the game.

I also did tried to model a simple house. I still needs a lot of work. I just applied some simple colors and made the edges more visible, but even now I like it.


This is basicaly it for this week.

#86 Report n.9

This week I focused on finishing all the crafing recipes and implementing the (most likely) last feature before finishing the demo.

As of now, 99% of all crafting recipes are finished. I might add some more if I feel like it, but the most important ones are finished. Now I have to add them to the leveling system and that should be it for crafting.

And the major thing I worked on was the “visual equipment” script. This will allow you to see your armor, hairstyle and other things onĀ  your ingame sprite. I don’t have any real sprites ready so I am using only placeholder graphics right now.

Here is a video showing you how it works.

And thats it for this week.

#85 Report n.8

This week I spent most of the time adding new crafting recipes into the game and upgrading the old ones. This however showed me some of the shortcomings of the crafting script I am using.

The first problem, you can’t asign one recipe to multiple stations. So if I wanted to do for example “cooked meat” and add it to multiple stations like “campfire” or “oven”, I had to create multiple recipes of the same type. This is now fixed and I can now simply asign one recipe to multiple stations.

Another problem was the component limit. Well, not really. There is no component limit, but the window showing them could only hold like 5 or so components. The fix for that was pretty simple. I added scrolling for the component window (using Q and W. In other words, gamepad shoulder buttons). So now I can add recipes that use like hundred different components.


And thats it for this week.