#96 Report n.19

This week I spent most of my time looking over old scripts and trying to improve them.

I did a masive rewrite of the character showing script. Not only is it now like three times shorter, it also runs like three times faster (Not that it really matters since this is a fucking RPG maker game). Other than that, I did some minor improvements to other scripts but nothing to write home about.

I also tried and made a simple animation of that chest I showed you few weeks ago. Nothing special since this is basicaly a chest opening and closing, but adding something like this took me like twenty minutes. Drawing the entire thing by hand would take me much longer.


And thats basicaly it for this week.

#95 Report n.18

This week I spent some time working on the combat and quest system. I also did some modeling too.

Quest system now suports failing. You will be able to fail quests, which will have consequences. Either small (NPCs will comment on it but everything will go as normal) or big (Parts of the world might change, NPCs will stop talking to you etc.). I will try and make the quests in the demo rely on this system as much as possible.

Next, I did some changes to the combat (these are actualy pretty old, but I think I haven’t talked about them yet and I fleshed out the system much more this week). The way you deal damage works like this. First, the game determines if you even hit your target. Then it calculates damage depending on your stats + weapon stats + (weapon profficiency /4). This works for every kind of weapon from clubs to rifles. And this kind of thing doesn’t make mcuh sence for ranged weapons like guns or crossbows. So I did some editing and now it works like this: Melee weapons and bows are unchanged, guns get no stat bonus to damage (beter stats still influence critical hit chance). This means that pistol will deal almost the same amount of damage through out the entire game (There is still small amount of randomness to the damage calculation plus the damage still gets the WP/4 damage bonus). This makes guns really strong weapons for characters who do not specialise in combat (these people will have enough money to buy them and ammo) while characters with high stats will prefer melee weapons (even the strongest melee weapon is weaker than the strongest gun though) since the require no ammunition and are generaly cheaper.

And the last thing I did was some modeling here is a picture. Higher res HERE


#94 Report n.17

This week I took a little break and spent my free time doing other things. But I still did some work on this game and started reworking the quest system.

The quest system will work like this:

  • You can have only 2 active quests at a time (Main quest and sidequest)
  • You have to finish the quest the same day you accepted it (there are exceptions)
  • Every major NPC will change its quests every 2-3 months, minor NPCs will have 1-2 every year.


This means that you won’t be able to finish all the quests in the game in your first playthrough. There are other things I want to do, but this whole thing is still pretty much WIP, so I might change something as I go.

And here is a simple chest render.


#93 Report n.16

This week I spent a lot of time on the background dialogue system. It turns out that the scripts I was using for this thing are simply not good enough for what I want to do. I ended up scraping the entire thing and I will try and do it differently. I will still use the proximity script for enemies and some encounters though.

And now for something more positive. I added new character graphics for ages 10 and 11. Added more shortcuts, new quest and other small things.Simply put, all things are progressing nicely without any serious problems (except for the thing I talked about earlier). I want to finish the demo as soon as possible, but there is still a lot of work to be done. And then I will have to playtest that thing for god knows how long.