#121: Weapon proficiency

This week I did some changes to the weapon proficiency and I changed the item drop window.

Up until now, you gained weapon proficiency point after every fight depending on the weapon kind you used. Now I did the entire thing a little more complex.

After you win a fight, you gain proficiency point for the specific weapon kind you had equiped. Every point increases the damage you do by one. You can raise this atribute to 30. After that, you gain one point to the overal weapon proficiency. This number multiplies the damage you gain from individual weapon proficiency. This should encourage the player to use different weapons to get stronger, although strong weapons will still outclass weaker ones.

Here is a example. You hit the enemy for 50 points with a knife. Your knife skill is 0 and melee proficiency (MP) is 1. So the damage you do will be 50.

Now you hit the same enemy for 50 points with the same weapon. Your knife skill is 5 and MP 1. The amound of damage you do will be 55.

Now. You hit the enemy for 50 points again, but you “leveled” multiple weapons to the max level (30). Your knife skill is now 30 and MP is 6 since you leveled other weapons too. 30 * 6 +50 = 230. As you can see, the difference is pretty big.

I also made a very simple window showing your individual weapon skills. It shows all weapons you ever used. Again, like everything in the game, this is just a placeholder. It doesn’t look good but it works for now.


Another thing I worked on was the battle result scene. Now it shows you more information about the stats that were raised and it also shows the items you got individualy. You can scroll the window down too.


This change was necesary because there was a big problem with the script I was not aware of. So I had to basicaly rewrite large portion of the multi-drop script I was using.

All those windows will get a nice facelift after I finish the way they work.



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