#129: Dialogue exclusion

This week I spent some time working on the dialogue system some more. Mainly the dialogue exclusion for certain NPCs. As you can guess, not every NPC will have all the dialogue option. Some NPCs will only train you, some will only sell you things and some can only be asked about certain things. Now I can easily remove dialogue options by adding them to one array. Then I can reset this array and add new values to it when you decide to talk to someone else. Simple, but very important.

#128: Quest flowchart

This week I spent most of the time preparing quests.

I finished three flowcharts detailing the way quest will progress. Rewards will need balancing so I didn’t really bother with writing them down properly.

Untitled Diagram(1)

The plan for the initial demo release will be one quest for every major NPC + some quests for minor NPCs. After that, I will add more, but I want people to test the thing while there is not that much to go wrong.

#127: Dialogue window (again)

This week I spent some time on making the dialogue better and easier to nevigate.

The new thing is the addition of “tabs”. There are six topic categories and you can swith through them with shoulder buttons / arrows. This makes it easier and faster to select the topic you want to talk about.


This is abviously work in progres, but the general layout of things will probably stay the same.

This was one of the last things I wanted to do before focusing purely on game content. Last things I would like to do are tabs for trading window and maybe making entirely new “alchemy” system.

#126: Dialogue window

I didn’t spend much time on the game since I still spend most of it on Elex. But I layed some groundwork for the dialogue window rework. Mainly the topic selection part.

Right now, the dialogue window works as it should. However, I noticed that as the game progresses, the amount of topics gets a little too high and finding the right topic can get a little too tiresome. So I decided to give the dialogue window the same “tab” treatment I gave the inventory window. This should make navigating it much easier.

I will hopefully have some screenshots next week.