#139: Stat XP

This week I focused mainly on the character background system. Things are progressing smoothly so I decided to test something out.

I will be adding XP bar to every skill. Your character will gain XP for crafting items, finishing quests or reading books. When you get enough XP, this stat will level up by one. Working or training will level theses stats instantly like it used to. This XP system should allow player to increase other skills even when he doesn’t really train them. You should be able to raise your skill just by crafting a lot of items, but this process will be very slow and not really efficient. Best way to level will still be working for other people but your skills will increase naturaly as you play thanks to this system.

I will have to test this first. I might change this system a lot, or I might even scrap it entirely if it ends up not working as intended. We will see.

#138: Character background

This week I spent some time on the character backgrounds. Final game will have interactive prologue with choices, which will determine your background. But for now, I wanted to add something simple. This is how it looks right now:

Untitled 1

These backgrounds range from “useless” to game changing. Some of them are just for roleplaying purposes and give you small benefit at the start of the game, some will give you significant benefits for the rest of the game.

For example, psychopath will receive no negative impact from combat, but also won’t get any bonuses from chating with other people.

Good girl will give you more mood bonuses from talking to people and finishing quests, but combat will lower your mood much more.

I will be working on theses in the future and try to balance them a bit but some of them will still be “better” than others.

#137: Back to work

This week I added more weapons and did some general improvements.

I added few new weapons I modeled some time ago.


I also worked on dialogue and cleaned some blinking animations.

Next week I want to work on the way character is shown and optimisse it a bit more.

Apology and work continues

I want to apologize for lack of post this past few weeks. Simply put, my PC shat the bed.

That was basicaly it. My PC died and getting new parts together wasn’t really cheap or quick since they are pretty expensive in my country. Luckily I lost no progress on the game since I back up all the data every day now.

So, it is time for me get back to work. Regular reports will return next week.