#150: New outfits / furniture screen

This week I focused mostly on the furniture screen, but I also finished some of the last outfits I want to have in the demo.

The furniture screen is quite simple. It shows you all furniture slots in your hideout and furniture already in those slots. If you want to change furniture, you select the slot and then you select the item you want to put in said slot. The number of slots changes every time you upgrade your hideout.

Like every screen in the game, this thing is very basic. It needs more work and some additional features like item description, but so far it works pretty fine.


Next thing I worked on were new outfits. One is brand new, one is slightly edited old outfit. It still needs more work but it will do for now.


There is one more outfit I want to add, but it is not a priority. This means that all weapons and outfits I wanted in the demo are now finished. Now I can focus working on the game itself.

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