#151: Still alive

First, I want to apologize for lack of activity. I simply didn’t feel like posting anything here since the trafic is pretty low and activity of people visiting this site is even lower.

So I will be changing the way things work. I will update this site only when I have something meaningful to post. It might be twice a week, or once in a year. Depends purely on the amount of work I do.

Now with this out of the way, let’s focus on the game.

I did quite a lot of work, but not as much as I wanted. Plenty of games came out and I spent good amount of time playing them. I will focus only on the biggest changes.

Better dialogue editing

I found a way to make RMXP read external files and the first thing I did was converting the text into a separate file. The default text editor for RMXP leaves a lot to be desired and now I can edit scripts with notepad++, which is much faster and easier.

Better NPC behaviour

Agresive wild animals are now fully functional. They walk around and if the player aproaches them from the front, they will start growling. If player remains in their field of vision, then they will simply rush the player and attack. I will use the same system for human NPCs too, so you will be able to sneak past guards and stuff like that.

Next age stage complete

I completed all the graphics for the next age stage. Now you can play the game from age 10 to 11 and see your character physicaly change.


As a bonus, have this little gif showing all planned age stages.


There were other things I did, but most of them were really minor and not worth mentioning.