#153: Content

It has been a few months since I posted anything here. Don’t wory. I’m  not dead and I didn’t abandon the project. I have been doing other thing besides game dev but I still spent a lot of time working on the game. I will now tell you about some things I have been working on. I will most likely make another video soon.

I have been fleshing out the job system. I already shown you this system in previous video, but now it works slightly better. For those who didn’t see it:

Now you get money every day you work (7 in total). You have a chance to fail and succeed. Success chance depends on the job. Farming job, for example, requires only farming skill. Smithing requires smithing skill and strength. The higher these stats, the higher the success chance. The more you work, the more you earn.


Now for the new things. I had someone actualy play the game and test it form. Apart from the obvious complains like bugs and unfinished graphics, they seemed pretty happy with the game. This helped me with finding and fixing some bugs I had no idea even existed and it also helped me add some needed QOL improvements.

Finished quests in the quest log now show yellow in the list of all quests. Before they shown only when you expanded them.


Added first “random” events. These happen at random time range and help to spice things up. I added very simple ones so far, but I will add more complex ones later. I added 4 traders selling different things appearing at different time at different place, large pack of kobolds event and scavenger hunter event. The scavenger hunter event even has one mini-quest. Finish it and you will get exclusive skill.

To complement this feature, I added new dialogue option, “news”.

NPCs will now tell you if a event is happening anywhere in the game. Right now, everyone knows everything but that is going to be different in the future.


Next, I improved the addiction system and added a new drug. The system is now much more simple. You use a drug and get mood boost. When you end a week, you loose some mood. If you use two drugs in one week, you loose mood next two weeks in a row. This makes drugs usefull, but dangerous if you use too many at once, since you will be loosing mood for longer period of time.

I also added first treasure map. It shows you small portion of the map. If you find the place it points towards, you will get a treasure. Simple, but should provide some fun.


Now for the big things. I added the basis of the “one of us” quest. This is a major quest. Finishing it will make you the member of the religious sect residing on the island and give you access to “spells”. The basic route is done, now I just have to add other NPC reactions and other posible branches.

This is the first quest in the game that changes the gameplay in a major way. All church members are highly respected. Being one of them makes everyone treat you differently, offer you discounts and letting you go in places you should not be allowed otherwise.


I’m planning to add as many interactions as posible. There will also be other quests that will change the way people talk to you.

And the last thing. Weapon switching SHOULD now work for your party members too. I tested it a bit and it seems to work alright. Hope it stays that way.

Basicaly, every NPC now has two weapons. One weak (melee) and strong (ranged). Strong weapons require ammunition. NPCs have their own ammo pool and they get new ammunition every week. This means you can’t give them more. You will have to pass a week if you want them to get more ammunition and max out their pool. This means you have to conserve resources if you plan going on longer adventures. This will make fights more interesting.


These are the big changes and additions. Keep checking this site every few weeks because I will be posting more. Also keep and eye on the channel.