#157 Options

Time for another batch of news. First of all, I’m still aiming to relase the demo version before the end of the year. All of the systems are relatively bug free and 99% of all features I wanted to have are in. Only thing left is adding more content. I want to add more quests, more random encounters and some other details. I will take month long vacation in december, so I should have enough time to finish the demo since I won’t have to go to work.

Now for something a little more exiting. Few months back, I implemented free version of FMOD. This basicaly gives me more options when it comes to sound. Now the overworld music can continue when it got interupted by battle instead of starting all over again.

This also means I can add various sound options. Now you can set your sound options individualy.

You can set the volume in the new options menu.

Next thing I focused on was another age stage. Now you can get 14 years old without the game ending.

New look for age 14.

This also means I had to add new overworld sprite.

Left is for ages 10,11,12. Right is for ages 13,14,15. 16,17 and 18 will get new sprite too.

That’s it for now. Ofcourse, I did more than that. I added new low level dungeon and bunch of other stuff, but I will keep these a secret for now.

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