#158 Close

This will most likely be the last blog post before the demo / prototype gets released. Lets have a closer look at things that the demo will contain and things that are going to be missing.

But before all that, here you can look at this picture. I finished sprites for another age stage.

This leaves only few more stages left.
And here is a gif showing all current age stages.

Now with that out of the way, lets talk about the demo.

Demo will contain the following:

  • Five different graphical age looks for your main character.
  • 16 different outfits, two head accessories. All of which have their own individual graphics.
  • 37 different weapon graphics. Number of weapons in game is higher since some share graphics.
  • Small number of quests. Some simple, some more complex with multiple options.
  • Small number of very simple repeatable fetch quests.
  • One ingame year worth of events. These happen only at specific time.
  • Fully functional farming system.
  • Fully functional crafting system.
  • Fully functional alchemy system.
  • Upgradeable hideout. Improve the hideout itself, build new facilities or install new workstations.
  • Working stat and skill system. Raise your stats to learn new skills.
  • Functional combat system with weapon reloading and attack speed determined by stats.
  • 9 main NPCs. These can train you, teach you new skills or you can work for them to earn money.
  • 4 of these NPCS are close to fully functional. These NPCs can teach you more and can follow you.
  • Multiple minor NPCs. These either serve as simple vendors of they serve as window dressing.
  • Basic “living world” features. Some NPCs will react to your clothing or social standing.
  • Small open world with multiple secrets to finds
  • After the first year, you can play as long as you want. There won’t be any new events however.

Ofcourse, there are more things, but listing it all would take a lot of time. Now for things that WON’T be int the demo.

  • Some quests were not working properly and I won’t be able to fix them in time. They will be removed for initial release.
  • Some of those weapons and outfits won’t be obtainable in the game by “legitimate” means since the quests adding them won’t be in the game. I will most likely put them into the clothing store and blacksmiths inventory for now.
  • Some farming plants have no use for now. They will either be removed or be useless for the initial release.
  • Some NPCs and stats will be very barebones. You can work for them and they will train you in their trade, but they won’t follow you and they have very limited skills at offer.
  • Some skills will be useless in the initial release.
  • Some random events I talked about in earlier posts will be missing and some I didn’t talk about were added instead.
  • Some obvious interactions are missing. I didn’t fogot about them, I just didn’t really had the time.

Again, there are more things that will be missing, but these are the important ones. I have been calling this release a “demo” but it is more like a prototype. It has 99% of the features I want to have in the final game, but they are not fully fleshed out and finished. Think of it more like a taste of whats to come.

And lastly, here are the things I still have to do before I can release this to the world.

  • Finish one quest
  • Fix one NPC
  • Check the entire game for bugs and missing things. Put warning on those missing things or finish them.

As you can see, I’m really close. I want to release this before christmas, but I might be a little late. We will see.

One last thing I might work on is the “achievements” system. This system will have in-world explanation and will give you ingame rewards instead of some pointless pictures on some profile.

That’s it for now. See you (hopefuly) soon.

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